When it comes to funnel marketing, the reference is to that digital process that allows you to lead the public through a specific path aimed at conversion. Step by step, this process is becoming more and more complex and refined: in practice, it allows you to transform an anonymous user into a loyal customer who is attentive to the brand. After completing the purchase, the person will interpret the path taken as virtuous and performing. At that point it will be necessary to take care of his contact , continuing to send him something useful and interesting (promotions, personalized ...Read more

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At the center of the route there is a sea of useful information and content, Mofu and Bofu, The final part of the marketing funnel is where the conversion takes place, The steps of the funnel path are called Tofu, What can we do for you, What happens at the top of the marketing funnel?, what is funnel marketing and what advantages does, what is funnel marketing and what advantages does it offer to online strategy