Unlimited Gamez mo
August 28, 2021

Maths happens to be one of the most fundamental subjects that we learn as a kid.

While some kids love dealing with mathematical problems, some find it complex and uneasy!

Seeing that Maths is fundamental to ensure the ideal career path ahead, parents often feel worried about what they can do to improve their children at math.

Fortunately, we have a solution. And no, we are not talking about hiring a tutor that will charge you money and might not also be able to teach your child.

We are talking about a fun approach to maths. Our way of getting your children being able to do the math is simpler and more fun. We believe that integrating arts into math lessons will help make the subject more fun for the kids.

Once they find it more fun, they will keep trying the game unless they get everything right! While their brain might also gain a spark for creativity, you also won’t have to deal with any more F’s on the report card!

So without any further wait, let’s get into it!

1.   Drawing Numbers

Let’s start the list by mentioning the most basic and easiest game on the list.

Drawing numbers by Unlimited Gamez MO is the perfect option to make your children learn the basics of numbers.

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The developers have focused on this game to teach the children how to trace and pronounce numbers. This game also includes a guide. This guide appears before the kid makes each stroke. This guide shows the children where the lines must start and stop to draw the perfect number.

This game includes five different minigames. Using this game, you will be able to teach your kids about maths from their tender ages.

2.   Make a Mosaic

Whereas it is important for your kids to know how to write an essay, maths and arts also have considerable importance!

When you combine art and maths, you get an amazing game like make a mosaic. There is a table present for the kids in this game with some basic addition equations written in the table.

The children will need to analyze the sum of the equation written in the box. Once they have their answer, they will color the box with the color mentioned at the side for representing each number.

As the children fill all the boxes, the game will reveal a final, artistic picture. This way, your child not only gets the idea of one of the most important functions of maths, but they see a creative look as well.

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3.   Multiplication city

Let’s talk about another important aspect of mathematics: Multiplication.

Whether learning timetables or multiples, it’s not fun to do as a kid, and most kids certainly don’t enjoy it.

But all hope is not lost as multiplication city is there to save the day! As a kid, many of us loved buildings. And many still do. And this game uses the love of building things in a kid and shifts that interest towards learning multiplication!

As this game connects building with multiplication, this game comes off as more fun than most other ways of making the children memorize the timetables.

Additionally, it is also possible for you to try multiplication city as a board game offline too! You get to teach them maths and also keep them away from the phone. Win-Win, right?

4.   Cash Out

This game teaches the children about dealing with one of the most important aspects in today’s world: Money.

This game comes off as a popular one as it teaches the children to deal with something important. This game is the perfect solution if your children have a hard time calculating the money.

The main teaching objective of this game is to practice money counting or teach the children how to calculate the change.

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The game allows three minutes for the player. And in those three players, the children have to complete as many sales as possible as they give customers the right amount of change. However, you also have the option to make this game run without a time limit as well.

Additionally, you also gain an option to customize the game as you see fit and also utilize different skill levels, which may or may not include hints.

5.   Flying Fact Families

This game is of high importance if your child struggles with being fluent in addition and subtraction problems.

In this math game, the children will focus on finding out the collection of connected addition or subtraction problems. Moreover, this game also includes the other two functions, multiplication and division.

This game assigns the children three randomized numbers. And as the children identify the fact families, they are likely to gain an important number concept. Following this concept, the children will also be able to recognize complex inverse operations as well.

This game also has various levels of difficulty, which you can adjust according to the understanding level of your child.

6.   Greater gator

This game helps to introduce the concept of inequalities in children.

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As this game starts, the children get an option to choose from two alligators. One alligator is labeled as “Greater than” and the other one as “less than.”

Depending on the type of gator you choose, your aim will be to snap at the numbers that suit your chosen alligator. If you go with “less than” alligator, you will want to go for all the smaller numbers.

Similarly, if you choose the “greater than” alligator, your objective will be the opposite. As you progress through every round, the difficulty will also increase!

We are sure that your children will have basic concepts of inequalities by the end of this game.

7.   Super Symmetry

The main objective of this game is to join an image along a line of symmetry.

This matching game does wonders when it comes to learning the basics of maths. There will be many options such as pictures, shapes, or even patterns generated at random.

All of the questions in this game will come with lines of symmetry. However, when we talk about the shapes, you will notice horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry.

As this game generates patterns at random, your child will have a good practice and the basics of symmetry through this game.

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8.   Tell Time to Quarter Hours

One research concluded that in 2019, about 35.6 percent of children spend their time on a mobile phone.

Let’s focus on giving a fun, educational turn to that wasted time.

When we talk about time, most children have a hard time about how to tell time. However, this game helps your children through its simple mechanics to describe how to tell time.

In this game, the kids set the time on an analog clock and read the time. Furthermore, the game will also encourage the children to tell the same time in many different ways.

So once your child starts playing this game, ask them for a time the next time around. We are sure you will rejoice when they tell you the correct time.

This game is so compatible with children as its problems are spoken in a children’s voice. This way, the children are likely to feel more connected to the game as they think they interact with someone their age.

Final Words

Maths does not come off as a fun subject for everyone.

While learning maths is important, it can be considerably harder if you don’t have your interest leaned towards it!

And we believe that the best method of learning is the one that aligns with your interests. And we know that many kids love spending time on phones and they also love arts!

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These games give them the perfect dose of art and important concepts of maths, which will help them prosper through their schooling tenure!

Author Bio

Audrey Throne has an ongoing affair with the words that capture readers’ attention. Her passion for writing dates back to her pre-blogging days. She loves to share her thoughts related to business, technology, health and fashion.

Find her on Twitter: @audrey_thronelimi

Audrey ThroneAudrey Throne




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