May 23, 2024

Many articles discuss how to oversee an active website to increase online exposure and to boost profit margins. However, we need to remember that the foundations of web design are built long before the portal in question ever goes live. What are some concerns to address well in advance, and how can these help to ensure long-term success? Whether your website is for business or personal use, it pays to appreciate the information outlined below.

Begin with a Solid URL Address

The URL of your site will often represent the first point of contact for a new visitor. This is why branding is crucial if you wish to make your presence known. The only possible “hiccup” here is that it can be challenging to invent a catchy title from scratch. One alternative is to search for domain names using artificial intelligence, as you will be provided with a level of inspiration that might not always be possible through traditional brainstorming alone.

Selecting the Most Appropriate Hosting Service

Website hosts tend to represent the digital “backbone” of your online ventures. This is why it makes sense to partner with a reliable service. Some site owners opt for cheaper shared hosting services while others prefer the benefits attributed to a virtual private server. While slightly more expensive, a VPS offers more robust security protocols, a greater storage capacity, and targeted customer support solutions. A virtual private server is often recommended for small- to medium-sized online businesses.

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Make Certain that Your Site is Compatible with Mobile Devices

Statistics have indicated that the majority of inbound traffic now takes place through the use of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets. You must therefore make absolutely certain that your site is capable of supporting these operating systems. This is technically known as a mobile-responsive website design. Some traits associated with a responsive configuration include:


  • The ability to zoom in and out


  • Fast page loading times


  • No blind links or redirects


  • Optimised images


  • Eliminating “filler” content


Smartphone users who are provided with a streamlined experience are more likely to remain on your site for an extended period of time. This is obviously important for businesses hoping to increase their conversion rates.

The Final Test

Any product is rigorously examined before being introduced to the general public. This is actually just as relevant within the world of website design. A process known as beta testing is used to make absolutely certain that your site is functioning as it should. These tests are also employed to discover any bugs or coding that might not be up to par. The main goal here is to ensure that a live site offers the most pleasant user experience. After all, first impressions count in this day and age.

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Creating a memorable website can be challenging for those with little previous experience. Addressing the steps above in a piecemeal fashion will therefore help to ensure that you do not become overwhelmed.



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