December 22, 2021

Several new marketing channels have come to the fore since the debut of email marketing decades ago. The use of social media alone has skyrocketed, but emails are still one of the most popular and successful ways to engage your customers as we approach 2022. Email has been the major mode of marketing, and it will continue to be so. There is no other marketing instrument that can reach as many people as an email. When utilized correctly, email marketing is the finest and most valuable tool that marketers have ever encountered.


With so many changes in the twenty-first century, email marketing must be updated and put in sync with the new environment. I’ve compiled a list of six trends to help scale your strategy and attract attention the way you want it to.

Top Unused Hacks For Email Marketing Success In 2022

Here, I have curated a list especially for brands that are looking forward to upscaling their email marketing operations. To win at the email marketing game and see a boost in engagement and conversions, as an email marketing expert, I feel that these trends will rule the industry:

#1 Hyper-Personalized In-Mail Experience

People are becoming more sophisticated and demanding, so neutral solutions that appeal to the masses and treat users as transactions are no longer effective. To stay in the game, everyone wants to feel privileged and appreciated; therefore, developing hyper-personalized experiences is essential.

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Subscribers should be able to find more details than merely their first names in the emails. That is to say, simply contacting the person by name or providing a special discount will not be enough. By making the newsletter valuable and hyper-personalized, you may provide individualized information, develop a personal relationship with the subscriber, and elicit emotional responses.


This implies that media other than email marketing, such as landing pages, checkout forms, and a variety of other destinations should be tailored, unique, and pre-filled with your client’s information. This makes your subscribers feel acknowledged and valued. It will, in turn, lead to dynamic segmentation with continuous user data updating across channels for a smooth in-mail experience.

#2 Include User-Generated Content

User-generated content is the simplest yet most effective way to drive engagement among your subscribers as they would feel included and associated with your brand. Seeing their inputs receive validation from the brand and being shared with other customers instills a sense of ownership while also making it more relatable for other subscribers. This increases your odds of conversion since your subscribers will find user-generated content as non-biased and trustworthy.


On the other hand, it translates to shedding off a sizable part of the workload from your staff’s shoulders. They just need to curate the UGC and use it in a targeted manner to serve different subscriber segments. You can use a variety of tools such as client reviews, photographs uploaded by your customers using your products, polls, and surveys to generate content for your emails.

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#3 Utilize AI For Optimization

AI in email marketing has been viewed with skepticism by both new and professional marketers. However, this shouldn’t be the case as many AI tools help serve a variety of purposes like generating perfect subject lines.


One major problem marketers face today is having too much data with limited manual processing capabilities, which makes AI a must-have for making sense of the gigantic user databases.


It is noteworthy that AI helps make sense of data so you can apply it to your email marketing operations in real-time without consuming considerable resources. AI will aid in the speeding up of your email marketing campaign and the completion of time-consuming duties that would otherwise be done manually.

#4 Leverage Feedback And Reviews

Social proof has never been more important to email strategy than it will be in 2022. It is a bankable marketing tool that impacts consumers’ decision-making and provides significant benefits to the business, such as developing trust and motivating loyalty. Last year, one of the strategies to enhance organic traffic, make the offer or product appear more appealing, and convert prospects was user-generated content; now, it is a must-have feature without which you will lose your valuable subscribers.

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The wonderful part about social proof is that you can receive it from your customers and even win extra incentives for your business since people enjoy being heard. This trend is a win-win situation for both parties involved. Furthermore, it is the easiest and most cost-effective method for reviving email engagement.

#5 Add Animations

Adding in-mail visuals is no longer enough since most brands have been using them since long. Thus, you should look to using dynamic backgrounds, animated symbols, GIFs, cinemagraphs, and CSS animations to add an aesthetic touch. You can also come up with creative user cases like using GIFographics instead of infographics to add a twist to your email design.


You can also leverage tiny motion features in your email templates to grab your subscribers’ attention and channelize it according to your wish.  Animations can make your emails more engaging, but they can also slow down their loading time. To ensure that your emails work effectively in the inbox, make sure you know how to minimize the size of your emails and check if you can include animations using codes.

#6 Uphold Subscriber Privacy

In 2022, we can expect email users to be even more vigilant about their privacy, especially due to the increase in spamming during the pandemic. It is necessary that you adhere to the provisions made in the PCI and GDPR along with some extra mile efforts that help your subscribers feel in control of their online privacy. Also, it is important to acknowledge your efforts to them and allow them to exercise control regarding the information you collect and use in your email efforts.

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This also means evaluating data privacy regulations on a regular basis and intimidating any changes in simple language. Of course, this applies to all user data collected from your platforms and from third-party channels, but you may want to communicate it through emails since most people consider it a reliable channel.

Summing Up

The year 2021 was a not-so-easy year for everyone. 2022 will also be full of new opportunities for enterprises throughout the world. As an email marketing expert, I find that these key drivers are widely known but hardly practiced. It is in your best interest to implement them as a part of your email upscaling strategy, as 2022 will witness a far more competitive landscape with little to no room for error.


Author: Kevin George is Head of Marketing at Email Uplers, one of the fastest growing custom email design and coding companies, and specializes in crafting professional email templates, PSD to HTML email conversion and free HTML email templates in addition to providing email automation, campaign management, and data integration & migration services. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz and eats and breathes email marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts on email marketing best practices on his blog.


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