November 9, 2022

There are times when you need the perfect beverage to complement a meal, and there’s no better accompaniment than a steaming cup of Shangri La tea. Its fruity tones offer a great contrast to a selection of meals that we’ll be looking at here.


The truth is that you can pair all kinds of cuisine with tea, as it’s a drink that’s always gone well with food. Just like when talking about a glass of wine, there are certain foods that go just right.


So, what are they?


Desserts, Desserts, Desserts 


Due to the sweetness of Shangri La Tea, it goes rather well with a range of different desserts, so it makes it the perfect way to finish off a meal. So, we’re talking about pastries, cakes, and, well…anything your sweet tooth desires.


Finger Food & Sandwiches 


Next, we have buffet food that always tastes better with a cup of tea in hand. There’s no limit to the types of filling it goes with either, so you can pretty much pair anything you want to. If you’ve got an event that has a buffet, offer some Shangri La and just wait for the compliments!


Spicy Meat Dishes 


Or what about a cup of Shangri La Tea with hot and spicy pepperoni or other meat dishes? The fruity tones help to diminish the spices to a manageable level when the heat gets a little too strong. Fans of hot food will know exactly what we mean when we say that.

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How To Pair Food With Teas


When you’re looking to pair foods with, there are just a few simple tenets that you need to be aware of. Teas can go very well with food, but depending on the flavors, it doesn’t always match up.


Sweet teas – as we’ve seen – complement spicy food and sweet food but don’t go too well with some others. Green teas do, however, go nicely with green, leafy dishes, and malty teas happen to go well with meals that feature strong flavors.


Here’s some more general advice to follow…


  • Green teas are great with fish, salads and light meals
  • Astringent black teas go well with breakfast food like sausages, fried eggs and bacon
  • Stronger blends complement fish dishes
  • Chicken dishes are great with pan-fired blends


Enjoy Shangri La Tea The Way It Suits You! 


As we can see, this tea is one that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. The great thing is that with every food pairing, you get a new experience, and it’s fun to try out new things.


The same goes for other types of tea that can be mixed together with meals in a similar way. There are so many different combinations out there to try that you’re almost certain never to run out of new experiences to sample.

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We hope that you have found this article helpful and that it leads to a new-found appreciation for what tea offers. Most people only try a tiny fraction of the range of teas that are available, so most don’t truly understand the depth and range of tastes on off.


Just go out there and enjoy your tea in a way that suits you.



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