September 2, 2021

Natural pine looks good, but they hardly make for an excellent construction material. That’s because natural pine is susceptible to termites and humidity. You’ll need to get treated pine timber instead. We protected treated options from termites and even with the constant exposure to humidity, the flooring won’t end up warped. If you’re interested in pine flooring, look into H3 treated options. Here are some essentials you need to know. Find out how long treated pines last to help you make the right decision. 

What is a Treated Pine? 

Treated pine timber is pine timber that has been permeated with a chemical solution. It doesn’t have any pores, which is what you’ll find when you deal with hardwoods. Pine timber is a type of softwood species and has long fibres. In some situations, they are denser than hardwoods. 

Why Choose Treated Pine? 

Natural pine isn’t as sturdy and durable. Treated options, on the other hand, have the opportunity to last for many, many years. Whether it’s H3 treated pine products or H4 treated options, more and more consumers are choosing treated pine over hardwoods. One good reason for that is because pine grows much quicker than hardwoods. The trees yield large volumes of timber that’s usable for many industries and projects at one time. That makes them more eco-friendly than hardwoods that often take much longer to yield the same amount of usable timber. That’s why use of treated pine timber is encouraged by the Australian government. The government monitors and regulates pine harvested from plantations. They’re there to make sure that the impact on the environment is as minimal as possible. 

Where to Use Treated Timber? 

Treated pine is useful for flooring. They’re resistant to rot and decay which makes them ideal as construction materials. They could be used as flooring, as wall panels, as trim and mouldings, and more. There is an extensive range of applications that treated timber is used for. Talk to your contractor and project designer on how to incorporate treated timber into your home. 

What are Hazard Levels? 

There are different degrees of treated timber. That’s where the H classification comes in. H stands for Hazard. Timer is treated according to the correct H level which indicates the service condition in which the timber needs to be. 

  • H1. This is ideal for well-ventilated space and is often the classification for timber used for furniture, flooring, and framing as well as interior elements.  
  • H2. It’s similar to H1 in that it also repels insects and can be used indoors, in well-ventilated spaces. But it’s more resilient than products under the H1 category. 
  • H2F. It’s ideal for framing elements and suits use in dry situations. 
  •  H2S. Works nearly the same as the H2F but it also makes it possible for you to expose the material to moderate wetting on a regular basis without worrying that the material will rot. 
  • H3. This is suitable for wood kept off the ground and often exposed to everyday conditions. 
  • H3A. Ideal for timber used for windows, doors, exterior cladding, and the like. 
  • H4. First level of treatment for timber that is in contact with the ground or is continually damp like your fences. 
  • H5. Used for timber that’s in contact with fresh water or the ground. 
  • H6. This is the highest level and appropriate for timber exposed to sea water. 

Where Do I Get Treated Pine?

When you shop for H3 treated pine online, get them from a credible supplier or manufacturer. Consider the history and track record of the company. Does the organization have a seasoned team with expertise and insights to help you navigate through the process? What about service and support? If there’s a problem with the item or product, how will the return process go? Is it stress-free and easy for customers? You’ll want to learn more about that, too, just in case you’ll need to process a return later. Some companies have a strict window on returns, so knowing that information in advance ensures that you know what to do to get the returns processed properly. 

What are the Delivery Options? 

If you or your construction crew are ordering treated pine products from a supplier, will the company handle the delivery of the materials you need? Do they offer express shipping? That could cost you extra, though. One way to avoid unnecessary charges is to shop around for the timber you need well in advance. Create a timeline and make sure you order the materials well before buying deadlines. That way, you won’t have to spend extra on the delivery fees. You’ll also get the materials you need before your construction project begins. 


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