August 16, 2021

“Content is the king” is a phrase that we often see repeated on the net as a mantra. Behind this statement there is clearly a world related to content marketing which in simple terms consists of producing content to attract and retain potential customers. So let’s see how it works and why it is so important.

The content on the network

But what is meant by content? We mean any product of an informative nature (in the sense that it contains information), in this sense we do not therefore refer for example to a promotion, but rather to an article that explains in detail the effects or uses of a product.

Of course we are not just talking about written articles, we can make videos to be published on YouTube, and we can also create info graphics that we can for example use for a sponsorship on Facebook. When creating content, we must always keep in mind what questions potential customers ask themselves and answer these questions in advance.

This technique allows customers to feel reassured and above all they do not have to ask any kind of question before purchasing.

When we create content we think big: for example, we can make informative videos on how to use a product, we can create an article that shows its qualities compared to the products on the market, the possibilities are endless and thanks to the web the formats are also infinite.

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What should we pay attention to?

It is certainly not easy to create these contents from 0, we advise you to start from the questions you receive from customers, are there some more frequent than others? It means that information is not conveyed correctly and you must therefore remedy it.

Once the theme has been identified, all you have to do is choose the type of content to produce: is it suitable information for making a video? Or is it better to write an article and post it on the site’s blog?

At this point you need to start producing the content. Keep in mind that depending on the platform you decide for publication (website, Facebook YouTube …) you will have to respect different rules so that the content is seen by users, for example with regard to Google you will have to comply with SEO best practices to have an optimized content , the same goes for other platforms as well.

Our advice, however, is not to limit yourself to publishing a one-off content but to create a real editorial calendar that includes all the platforms in which you publish in order to give consistency to the contents and therefore improve user engagement.

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This is actually a fundamental aspect: in fact, with constancy you can become a reference point for a certain audience and this clearly will bring notoriety and customers to your brand.

What can we do for you?

If you want to know more or are interested in a  high quality digital marketing service  ,  Sylexdigital  is the digital PR ,  link building ,  SEO  and  brand reputation  (online reputation) agency that can best support  your digital business idea  and follow you step by step to maximize it, increasing revenues.



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