Liza Greer Net Worth
March 15, 2023


Judy Greer is a name that resonates with many film and television enthusiasts, with her unique and captivating style of acting. She has been in the acting industry for over two decades and has built a reputation for herself as one of the most versatile actresses of her time. In this blog post, we dive into the wealth of Judy Greer, her career journey, and provide you with insightful information on everything you need to know about her.

Judy Greer’s Net Worth

Judy Greer’s net worth is estimated to be around $25 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Over the years, she has earned a significant amount of money from her acting career, coupled with her endorsement deals and sponsorships. Her net worth is expected to grow even further as she continues to feature in more movies and television series.

How Judy Greer’s Career Began

Judy Greer’s journey to stardom began in 1998 when she landed her first role in the film “Kissing a Fool.” She started to gain more recognition with her role as Kitty Sanchez in the hit TV series “Arrested Development.” This opened doors for her, and she continued to feature in other top-rated TV shows and movies, which helped her build a strong and diverse portfolio.

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Judy Greer’s Successful Acting Career

Judy Greer has an impressive acting career that spans over two decades. Throughout this time, she has starred in various TV shows, movies, and web series, including “Love and Other Drugs,” “Jurassic World,” “Ant-Man,” “13 Going on 30,” “Adaptation,” and “The Descendants.” She has also lent her voice to various animation movies like “Archer” and “Family Guy.” Over the years, she has received numerous nominations and awards for her outstanding performances in the acting industry, cementing her spot as one of the most talented actresses.

Judy Greer’s Notable Roles

Judy Greer’s talent for acting is evident in the variety of roles she has played. She is known for her versatile acting skills, her comedic timing, and her ability to play different types of characters. Some of her most notable roles include the following:

  • Delilah in Love and Other Drugs
  • Karen in 13 Going On 30
  • Kitty Sanchez in Arrested Development
  • Cheryl Tunt in Archer
  • Jeannie Van Der Hooven in Californication

Judy Greer’s Philanthropic Activities

Judy Greer is passionate about various charitable activities. She supports organizations that raise awareness and support research for cancer, such as the Stand Up To Cancer program. She has also been actively supportive of the LGBT community through her support of various organizations that promote LGBT rights and awareness.

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Judy Greer’s Personal Life

Despite being a public figure, Judy Greer is known to keep her personal life private. However, we know that she got married to Dean Johnsen, a producer, in 2011. Apart from acting, she is a yoga enthusiast and practices Kundalini yoga regularly.


Q: What is Judy Greer’s most well-known role?
A: Judy Greer is known for her role as Kitty Sanchez in the hit TV show “Arrested Development.”

Q: How much is Judy Greer worth?
A: Judy Greer’s net worth is estimated to be around $25 million.

Q: What is Judy Greer passionate about?
A: Judy Greer is passionate about charitable activities, especially those that deal with cancer research and those that promote LGBT rights.

Q: What is Judy Greer’s personal life like?
A: Judy Greer keeps her personal life private, but it is known that she is married to Dean Johnsen, a producer.

Q: What type of roles does Judy Greer play?
A: Judy Greer is known for her versatility in playing different types of roles. She has played both comedic and dramatic roles in different movies and TV shows.

Q: When did Judy Greer start acting?
A: Judy Greer started acting in 1998 when she landed her first role in the movie “Kissing a Fool.”

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Q: What is Judy Greer’s favorite type of yoga?
A: Judy Greer practices Kundalini yoga regularly and is an advocate for its many benefits.


Judy Greer has had an impressive acting career that spans over two decades. From her first role in “Kissing a Fool” to her most recent roles in movies like “Halloween,” her talent and versatility have been evident throughout. Her estimated net worth of $25 million is a testament to her success and hard work over the years. Apart from acting, she is also passionate about various charitable activities and practices yoga regularly. Judy Greer is an inspiration to many aspiring actors and serves to remind us that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.


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