wordpress site
June 10, 2021

Are you all set to go live with your WordPress site? Many websites are launched every day on the internet. That is why you must ensure that your website stands out and shines right from the start. Here’s a guide by ghostwriting services for you to check before launching a WordPress site

It’s critical that you choose the correct web hosting for your project before you begin. While most sites can get basic WordPress site hosting, you may need managed WordPress hosting in specific instances. We strongly advise that you read both of the guides above to ensure that you’ve chosen the right option, as this is something that we cannot emphasize enough. Let’s look at the steps you should take before launching your WordPress site.

Set up a backup solution for WordPress Site.

On your website, you should always set up a WordPress Site backup solution. Backups are similar to a website’s insurance policy. You can always have beack what gets lost. There are sufficiently of good free and paid WordPress backup plugins. You need to make sure that the backups are automatically scheduled. And are saved on a cloud storage service like Dropbox, Amazon S3, or Google Drive. Use Backup Buddy; it is quick and easy to set up and can also store your backups in multiple locations. Also the easiest to restore.

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Secure WordPress Admin Area

As the most widespread content management system globally, WordPress Site is often a popular target of hackers. Many WordPress sites run without facing any of these threats for years, but it is always better to be prepared. Check out our collection of 13 essential WordPress admin tips and hacks. We set up a Secure firewall on all of our sites, which makes your site incredibly secure and protects you from threats. If your website is a business, it is unquestionably the way to go. Secure works in the same way as a private security system, and guards do at a physical business location.

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Look for 404 errors on your website.

404 errors might ruin a user’s first impression of a brand new website. Be sure that all of your website’s pages are loading correctly and that there are no broken links. If you’ve already registered your site with Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll notice pages with 404 errors in your crawl report.

Go over all of your website’s forms.

After you’ve set up an email, you’ll want to double-check that all of your site’s forms are functional. Forms such as contact forms, comment forms, and email subscription forms should all be tested. Make sure that all of the forms on your website are functional. To ensure that your emails are sent to the correct mailing list, check your email list and send test emails. Check your login and registration forms if you have a multi-author or multi-user WordPress site. Check if you need to remove any unnecessary items from the WordPress admin area for user accounts by logging in with different user roles.

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Websites for Ecommerce

Ecommerce websites should pay more attention to the user experience aspects of their sites. Put yourself in the user’s place and try to browse products, add them to the cart, and even conduct a test transaction to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you’re selling digital products, make sure they arrive on time. for physical goods, you’ll need to double-check your systems to ensure that orders are completed smoothly. Receipts, invoices, shipping cost calculations, taxes, and other items should all be double-checked.

Examine the images, videos, and sliders

The current web is more interactive because of images and videos. Check that all of the photos on your website are loading correctly. See our instructions on how to optimize pictures for the web to speed up WordPress. To ensure that the videos on your website operate as intended, test them on various devices and browsers. If you’re using a WordPress slider plugin, ensure it’s working correctly across all browsers and devices.

Put Social Integration to the Test

In the effective introduction of any product, social media plays a critical role. You must ensure that you do not lose out on this opportunity. Ensure that users connect with your website via social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram double checking you is always helpful, make sure website’s social sharing plugins are functioning correctly. You should also enable Twitter Cards, Facebook Open Graph meta-data, and social monitoring tools on your WordPress site.

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Performance Evaluations

During the development phase of a website, performance issues are frequently the primary focus. However, now that you’re going to launch your website, it’s time to give it one last test. Pingdom and Google Pagespeed are two tools you may use to test the speed of your website. Not only is rate vital for the user experience, but it is also a key SEO aspect

Install Google Analytics on your WordPress site.

You can’t improve unless you know how your visitors engage with your site. Google Analytics is the most convenient way to monitor how visitors interact with your site. It provides information on where your visitors come from, what they see on your site when they depart, and how well your site is performing. It’s critical to set up Google Analytics before the launch so you can track how well your efforts went. It will aid you to keep track of when your site first went to live and how much it has grown since then.

Check SEO settings

For most websites, search engines are one of the most reliable sources of free traffic. After the launch, optimizing your website for search engines will help you build your traffic steadily.

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Your Site Is Accessible

Another factor that is frequently give onto when launching a website is its accessibility.

The goal of accessibility is to ensure that your site is usable by everyone, regardless of ability. Visitors with vision or hearing impairments are take in.

Consider the structure of your WordPress Site.

  • Can you easily access all of the pages?
  • Are there any impediments?
  • Is your content labelled in a way that screen readers will understand?
  • Is the text legible at this size?


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