Link Building
June 10, 2021

Building quality backlinks have become more important in 2021 as it can help businesses in multiple ways. Be it improving the site’s authority, or gaining more traffic, you need to have a robust set of strategies to keep your backlink profile strong.

In this article, we will have a look at the best link building strategies that can help you take a lead in your industry.

  1. Survey for Link Building

A few months ago, we surveyed 850 SEO services professional to unveil the connection between building strategies and tactics that they must rely on, with a wealth of fascinating findings shared.

In reality, we were a little shocked that guest posting remained the most common strategy. Yet, all too much, we focus on the strategies that are well known and best known to us. With that in mind, let’s cast the net a little wider and discover what five different techniques look like before we dig straight into tactics, potentially exposing you to some new approaches to create great ties.

  1. Quick-Win Building Link

It is a widespread myth that all connection-building methods are capital intensive. That’s obviously not real, and while many definitely are, if you’re looking for tactics that can help you easily pick up any strong leads, you’ll find plenty of quick-win opportunities.

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Low-hanging fruits are usually the fastest connections to get, and that means they’re also the ones the opponents can meet for the first time. (That’s not to suggest you’re not allowed to create these ties, because you should). A fast-win strategy also sees a strong return on the less work you would need to bring into strategies. These victories are what establishes a stable base and place you on a level playing field with the rivals who have already put these strategies to use.

However, you need to be pragmatic and realize that this approach is rarely enough on its own, in competitive markets, to see your rank at the top. To take your SEO success to the next stage, you usually need to rotate your plan against others until you’ve got the chance to win quickly.

Link buiding

  1. Traditional Building Link

Traditional link-building techniques depend on you to manually link your efforts. As in the case of a link building, it is usually in direct charge of the results of the strategies, as opposed to depending on a journalist or other third party to link to the site.

Maybe that’s why these strategies are frequently referred to as ‘manual link forming.’ But let’s keep one thing straight; ties that you’re in charge of aren’t necessarily of the finest standard.

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In the eyes of Google, all links that are not released (the decision taken to connect is made by anyone else) are manipulative. They are more likely to either have less effect on rankings, be overlooked straight up, or, if strategies are carried out on a scale, may harm the efficiency of the site.

That said, these are not bad connections, as such, and they will absolutely drive benefits such as referral traffic or help position you as a thought leader, aside from the SEO impact—just make sure to take the time to learn the techniques correctly, understand the risks involved with them, and use them wisely.


  1. Link Earnings

If you really want to achieve this strategic edge by ties, you need to follow a plan that will see you make editorial links. Link rewards are a lot of work but have a high reward. You ought to be willing to invest time and money in winning ties; by doing so, you will see land links that rivals will fail to duplicate.

When you make a connection, a third party makes an active decision to do so, implying that it is connected because there is a justification to do so; it brings importance to its own audience. This is the real holy grail of link building and strategies that are key to the success of strategic niches.

  1. Paid Link Building
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Despite being a straight-up breach of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and a technique explicitly described as a link scheme, paying link building is still relatively popular in 2021 for the simple reason that it guarantees performance.

Making ties is hard work; there is no arguing it. And even the building of manual links and the wealth of quick-win tactics available still require an effort to see results. There are some things to remember:

  • The use of paying connections is, in the view of many, a lazy link constructing.
  • Paying link building is simple the exploitation of Google’s algorithm and a low, but incredibly high-risk, initiative.
  • Many of the connections paying end up coming from sites that are not currently affiliated, have a high count of outbound links and are usually of poor quality.
  • Aside from this chance, don’t forget that if you can buy a connection, your competitors can.

These were the top strategies that you can use to add more power to your SEO efforts and gain more brand authority online.


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