September 25, 2021

The fraction is considered to be the part of the whole or more commonly it is considered to be any number of equal parts. Sometimes the individuals are very much interested to add or subtract any 2 fractions so that they can find out the total number without any kind of problem. This particular activity and operation are known as the addition and subtraction of fractions. For example, one individual eats one and a half rotis for lunch and another one eats two and a half rotis for lunch. So, to find out the total number people need to add this particular fraction so that they can indulge in proper accurate calculations without any kind of problem in the whole process.


Every fraction can be undertaken through the subtraction and addition principle without any kind of problem and the following are the most important methods associated with adding fractions in the whole process:


  1. People can add or subtract the fraction with the same denominator
  2. People can go with the option of adding or subtracting the fraction with a different denominator
  3. People can add or subtract the fractions with mixed numbers very easily without any kind of issue.



  • Addition or subtraction with the

    same denominator:

In this particular method, the addition or subtraction of the fraction will be very easy because the denominator of the two fractions will always be the same without any kind of problem and the best part is that people do not even need to take the LCM in the whole process. The very first step is to check if the denominator is the same and if they are the same people can go with the option of taking the numerators and perform different kinds of operations of them without any kind of problem so that they can reach out the final answers very easily.


  • Addition or subtraction without same denominator:

In this particular method that denominator will not be the same which is the main reason that people need to equate the denominator is with the help of LCM. Whenever the LCM will be taken people can convert the denominators into the same very easily without any kind of problem and when the denominator will be same people can go with the option of performing different kinds of operations on the numerator is very easily without any kind of hassle element in the whole process.


  • Addition or subtraction of mixed fractions:

The mixed fraction will be the fraction and a whole number combined into means the number and depending upon the denominator it will further be taken into different categories like with the same denominator or with the different denominator. In the cases of the same denominator, people can simply go with the option of adding the two mixed whole numbers very easily and add the fractions separately so that they can reach out the answers without any kind of problem in the whole process.

In the cases of alternative methods, people can go with the option of taking the LCM of the denominators and convert the fractions into proper ones so that the conversion process can be easily undertaken without any kind of problem and after this people need to add the whole number of two fractions separately so that they can go with the option of dealing with the things without any kind of problem and can indulge into accurate answer solving process without any kind of problem in the whole process.


Hence, being clear about both of these methods is vital for the people so that there is no hassle at any point of time and apart from this people can depend on platforms like Cuemath to learn math from the house of experts and very professionally so that there is no hassle at any point of time and everything has been very accurately undertaken without any kind of problem. In this particular manner, people will be capable of scoring well in the maths exam without any extraordinary effort.


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