Workplace harassment lawyers
August 25, 2021

Do you think you are being bullied and harassed at your workplace? We know how depressing it can be at times, and that is why you need to know your legal rights.

This write-up provides a detailed guide on what needs to be done in case of a bullying incident. However, before anything else, let us take you through what is workplace bullying, different types of the bullying, and what are the aspects that you should know about.

What Is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying involves social, physical, psychological, or verbal abuse by the employer, co-worker, or group of colleagues. This type of bullying can occur in any workplace and to any person, like volunteers, interns, permanent or casual employees, or apprentices. Workplaces include offices, cafes, malls, workshops, government organisations, community groups, etc.

What Are The Different Types Of Workplace Bullying?

Here we give a list of activities that may be termed workplace bullying.

Constant hurtful attacks or remarks or making jokes about your job or you as a person is bullying. Bullying statements may be directed to a person’s family, gender identity, sex, race, education, culture, economic background.

Sexual harassment is another common form of workplace bullying that may include unwelcome touching or sexually insulting comments. For this specific offence, you should look for professional sexual harassment lawyers.

Sometimes people fall victim to psychological harassment that may involve mind games orchestrated by a group of employees. These types of activities can be very depressing, and you should not neglect them.

If you feel you are deliberately intimidated and undervalued, it is a clear indication of bullying.

Giving a specific employee meaningless tasks that are unrelated to the job is also another example of bullying.

Not only pointless tasks but employees are also given impossible jobs at certain times. It becomes challenging for them to finish it within the given time or with the inadequate resources provided.

Sometimes you may find your manager deliberately changing the work schedule.

If any colleague deliberately holds back any information from you, thus making your job unnecessarily delayed, you should complain to the relevant authority.

Physical abuse like pushing, tripping, or shoving in the workplace is also treated as workplace bullying.

Another form of bullying is known as hazing. It forces a certain employee to start humiliating someone against their wishes to be accepted in the team of bullies.

Whatever situation you face, it is always recommended to contact workplace bullying lawyers for professional advice if it constantly happens and shows no sign to stop.

How Can Bullying Affect Work?

Bullying can significantly impact a person’s physical and mental health. You may find yourself less active in the workplace and lacking confidence. You may feel stressed, scared or depressed, and it may, in turn, affect your activities in the outer world like relationships or study. You may want to keep yourself away from work and eventually gradually lose your trust and faith in your colleagues and employer.

What Should You Know If You Face Workplace Bullying?

If you are constantly bullied at the workplace, you should know what you can do and who can help you.

Bullying And Abuse

If your age is less than 16, any incident of bullying will be considered child abuse. You can visit the particular government website to see what legal actions are available.

Bullying And Discrimination

If any bullying targets your sex, age, race, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, or disability, it will be seen as discrimination. As racial hatred and sexual bullying are illegal, you should see the details of anti-discrimination laws.

Responsibility Of Employers

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Law, your employer’s responsibility is to provide all employees with a safe and friendly workplace. When you work for a company, it needs to take care of your well-being and health at the office.

Responsibility Of Bystanders

Besides an employer, every employee should also take the responsibility to keep the workplace safe and positive. So, if you find anyone bullying one of your co-workers, you should stand by the victim and help them with steps they can follow.

What Can You Do If You Face Bullying In The Workplace?

You can follow these steps if you are facing repetitive harassment.

Be Aware Of The Relevant Policy

First, you should see whether your office has any specific bullying policy and structured complaints procedure.

Keep Records

You should keep records of everything that has happened. You should also include what measures you have taken to stop it.

Seek Support From Someone Faithful Or Support Services

You can discuss the matter with someone faithful. But, if you find it challenging to talk about anything embarrassing, you can get in touch with support services that can immediately help you. Contacting a union can be a viable option.

Confront The Bully

If you feel confident and safe, you may approach the bully and tell them firmly that you do not like their behaviour and that it is unacceptable. You can also inform them that you will take legal steps if they do not stop such practice immediately. For advice, you may ask another colleague or your manager or any professional employment lawyer Perth .

Tell Another Colleague

Every workplace usually follows a systematic process to take the complaint and solve the problem accordingly. Generally, the bully is warned first, followed by counselling for the bully and mediation. And, if the situation does not stop, the authorities may fire the bully. You can talk to your manager, your colleague or a harassment contact office.

What Can You Do If The Situation Continues To Be Serious?

If there is no change even after complaining and warning, you should now look for outside advice and information. Many organisations, including the Australian Human Rights Commission, the industry union, etc., offer help to victims of bullying. You can send a written complaint to any relevant authority.

Seeking Help From A Lawyer Is Beneficial

If you are sexually harassed in your office, it will be better to contact a highly reputed workplace sexual harassment lawyer in Perth. They possess adequate knowledge about what to do and thus can offer you specific advice according to your requirements.

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